Mind (the) trap!

How do we think? What traps does our brain set for us? Moreover, what does this mean for our workday? Neurobiology and cognitive psychology provide surprising insights into a system that does not really function as rationally as we would like to think.

Text by Andreas Günter


Mind (the) trap!

The popularity of neurobiology has also thrown the media spotlight on cognitive psychology. The science of thinking and cognition primarily sheds light on how we run into mind traps. Errors in reasoning are often presented to an astonished public even in newspaper articles and television documentation. Moreover, in the business world, coaches are trying to change the way managers think. Even technical writers can learn from errors that they owe to their brain.

There have been some new books on this topic in recent years. Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman has consolidated scientific findings since the 60’s in his thick volume “Thinking, fast and slow”. Financial mathematician Nassim Taleb shows us how badly we are able to evaluate probabilities in his bestseller “The black Swan” and psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer explains how we assess risks correctly and make the correct decisions.

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