The Burnout Paradox – coping with the stress in a tc career

As an independent tc practitioner with my own company, I am used to juggling different projects, clients, and tasks. To make my schedule work, I have specific times each week allocated to specific tasks. For example, Sunday afternoon is my time to sit down and correct student homework for one of my online courses.

Text by Leah Guren


The Burnout Paradox – coping with the stress in a tc career

Image: © GeorgePeters/

But on the last Sunday in August, my neatly planned schedule fell apart as I learned that Genevieve, a dear friend and colleague, had suffered a complete breakdown. Her stress level was such that she was unable to make even the smallest decision. She looked gaunt and exhausted – a dreadful change from her usual glowing health. While we talked, she wept. She needed help, so the homework was ignored while I spent the evening making calls, arranging meals, and researching doctors and care options.

Genevieve had always been a strong, confident woman. In the years that I had known her, she had managed a Tech Pubs group, launched a networking group for local businesswomen, and been active in her community. But as I listened to her that afternoon, I realized how much she had been hiding over the years and the heavy price she was paying for working in a high-stress company.

Genevieve confessed ...